Discover 65+ Indoor date ideas

Get an inspiration for your next date from this curated list of Indoor date ideas

Indoor date ideas are great, because they are always convenient, easy to plan and you can make them fun without breaking the bank. Whether you decide to have and indoor date because going out doesn’t sound like fun - or you want to spend some quality time together from the comfort of your home, we got you! Indoor date ideas allow you to have fun together, in a cosy environment.

You can make it special by romantic lighting or a designated new candle you bought just for the occasion. It doesn’t have to be anything big, you just have to focus your intention on spending time together. We brought you some great indoor date ideas which can help you try new experiences together. Since they are so easy to plan you can use these indoor date ideas whenever you like, whether you want a cosy winter date night or just want to spice up your weekly Friday date night.

  1. Interactive Science Museum

    Visit an interactive science museum and explore the exhibits. Entry fees are usually around $15-$25 per person.

  2. Cook a Meal from a Different Country

    Choose a country and cook a traditional meal from there together. This cultural and culinary date is budget-friendly, depending on the ingredients.

  3. Potluck Dinner Party

    Host a potluck dinner with friends, each bringing a dish from a different country. This social and culinary date is inexpensive, depending on what you decide to cook.

  4. Chocolate Making Class

    Learn to make delicious chocolates from scratch in a hands-on class. This sweet experience costs around $50-$75 per person.

  5. Escape Room

    Work together to solve puzzles and escape from a themed room. This engaging activity typically costs $25-$35 per person.

  6. Visit a Cat Café

    Enjoy some furry company while sipping coffee at a cat café. This cute and cozy date costs around $10-$15 per person for an hour of cat time, plus any food or drinks. It’s a perfect date for animal lovers.

  7. Indoor Rock Climbing

    Challenge yourselves with indoor rock climbing. This physically engaging activity costs $20-$30 per person, including gear rental. Take a beginner's class if you’re new to climbing.

  8. Glassblowing Workshop

    Create your own glass art pieces in a glassblowing workshop. This unique and artistic experience costs $50-$100 per person. Wear closed-toe shoes and be prepared for a fascinating, hands-on activity.

  9. Virtual Reality Arcade

    Dive into a different world with a virtual reality arcade experience. This immersive adventure costs around $20-$40 per person for an hour of play. Choose games that you can play together for added fun.

  10. Pottery Class

    Get creative and make your own pottery pieces in a pottery class. This artistic date costs $30-$60 per person. Wear clothes you don’t mind getting a bit messy, and enjoy the hands-on activity.

  11. Indoor Camping Adventure

    Set up a tent in your living room or backyard and enjoy a night of indoor camping. Roast marshmallows over a candle flame, tell ghost stories, and snuggle up in sleeping bags for a cozy night under the "stars." You can buy all products and necessities in a supermarket or household shop.

  12. DIY Craft Beer Tour

    Create your own craft beer tasting tour by visiting local breweries or picking up a mix of craft beers from a nearby store. Sample a variety of brews and compare tasting notes as you discover new favorites together. You can buy DIY beer kits online for about 50$.

  13. Karaoke Kitchen Showdown

    Turn your kitchen into a karaoke stage and have a sing-off while cooking dinner together. Bonus points for creative duets and hilarious performances! You can find karaoke videos online on youtube or on spotify, just search for "karaoke version"

  14. DIY Drive-In Movie Night

    Transform your backyard into a cozy outdoor theater with a DIY projector setup. Snuggle up in the car or on blankets and enjoy a movie marathon under the stars. You can order a projector from Amazon for about 100$ and with a white sheet, the set is ready.

  15. Board Game Battle

    Dust off your favorite board games or try out new ones from your local library. Turn it into a friendly competition with prizes for the winner—or perhaps a forfeit for the loser! Try out Kingdomino, Patchwork, Jaipur or the 7 Wonders Duel version.

  16. DIY Cooking Challenge

    Challenge each other to create a delicious meal using only ingredients you already have at home. Get creative and see what culinary masterpieces you can whip up together. If you aren't creative chefs, maybe let the other for 5-10 minutes to browse online on recipe blogs.

  17. DIY Spa Night

    Transform your home into a spa retreat with homemade face masks, DIY massages, and soothing music. Pamper each other and unwind without the hefty spa price tag.

  18. Dessert Tasting Night

    Set up a dessert tasting station at home with a variety of sweet treats like chocolates, pastries, and cakes from different bakeries or dessert shops. Rate each dessert and discover your favorites together - you can even do ratings for look, taste and price/quality ratings.

  19. Mystery Ingredient Cooking Challenge

    Pick out a few mystery ingredients from your pantry or local grocery store, and challenge each other to come up with a delicious dish using only those ingredients. Get creative and see what culinary masterpieces you can whip up together!

  20. Nature Photo Walk

    Set a theme for your photo walk, such as "textures," "colors," or "patterns," and challenge each other to capture photos that fit the theme in unexpected ways. You can use your photos to capture the moments.

  21. Explore Street Art

    Take silly photos with the street art you find. The funnier, the better. Bonus points for creativity! Maybe reenact the scene of the street art, or give a high-five to that old-school statue near the bank.

  22. Musical Mad Libs

    Create absurd and funny lyrics for songs during your jam session, or even compose a whimsical song together.

  23. Pottery Sculpting Challenge

    Have a pottery sculpting competition where you both try to make the most whimsical and comical sculptures.

  24. Geological Adventure

    Collect interesting rocks and minerals or go fossil hunting at a local nature reserve.

  25. Botanical Garden Exploration

    Visit a botanical garden and try to identify as many plant species as you can. Take photos of your favorites.

  26. Virtual World Tour

    Use virtual reality or online resources to "travel" to different countries and explore their culture, cuisine, and landmarks.

  27. Zoo Date

    Visit a zoo or wildlife sanctuary and challenge each other to identify the most animals by their scientific names.

  28. Museum Mystery

    Visit a museum and create a fictional backstory for one of the artworks or exhibits, then share your stories with each other.

  29. Try geocaching

    Go on a treasure hunt using GPS coordinates and discover hidden treasures in your area. You never know what treasures you may find!

  30. Take an art class

    Take an art class together, whether it's pottery, painting, or something else entirely. It's a great way to explore your creativity.

  31. Have a cooking challenge

    Have a cooking competition where you both prepare a dish using random ingredients from your kitchen. Then, judge each other's creations.

  32. Plant a graden/herb/plant

    If you don't have a garden find a pot and plant a nice plant or herb into it. It will be such a nice reminder to look back to when you planted something together the first time. You can even plant a small tree in the park and get back to it once years go by

  33. Learn a tiktok dance

    Yes, it is cringe - but it is also FUN. Make it for the sake of your happiness. Share the video only if you dare!

  34. Make an at-home photoshoot

    Find some inspiration on Instagram or Pinterest and create a collage of you two together in fun and cute positions together.

  35. Try kayaking

    Find a place nearby you where you can try kayaking and get ready for a great workout. You can even bring snacks to eat mid-way

  36. Write a poem

    Both of you writes down some words on pieces of paper and then you should try to create a poem using the words picked. Try making it rhyme as well

  37. Go to a poetry reading

    Find a place where you can watch poetry reading. Find your favourite poem as well and read it to your partner.

  38. Have a trivia context

    Try to find an online questionnaire with different topics. By playing trivia you can learn how they work under pressure and what your partner is good at.

  39. Have a brunch date

    Brunches are not only for family meetings and for girlfriends. It is such a great time to meet with someone in a cosy setting with great food. You can even share a dessert together.

  40. Bike around town

    Firstly, you have to create the route - try pretending you are tourists at your own city and figure out which sights you would like to see.

  41. Have a snowman building contest

    You can go casual with building a typical snowman, or you can pick a character that you both have to re-create from the snow.

  42. Go to a fancy dinner

    Yes, an evening dinner date is a cliche, but it does let you in a setting where you can focus on each other and have a great conversation. Dress up very nicely!

  43. Take Cooking classes

    Take a cooking class of something you always wanted to learn how to do, or something extra complicated. If you like to cosy in you can also do the class online.

  44. Recreate your first date

    Try to reenact your first date together. Let's see which of you remembers all the tiny details.

  45. Play board games

    You can have a whole evening of board games! Start simple with a Jenga game and finish off with a more strategic game such as 7 wonders.

  46. Have a picnic

    Make it fancy! Get wine glasses/juice and fancy cutlery. Get something sweet, get something salty and most importantly - find the perfect picnic spot!

  47. Have a puzzle night

    Get cozy with a cup of cocoa and start working on a puzzle together (remember to start with the edges!)

  48. Go hiking

    What can be more relaxing then a hike together in nature. Try birtwatching and try to identify some plants if you can

  49. Have a scavenger hunt

    You will have to plan for this! You can start giving hidden clues or messages weeks before. The sky is the limit for your creativity!

  50. Take on a home improvement project

    Write down a list of stuff you would like to improve at home. Whatever matches on both of your lists will be your home improvement project.

  51. Play "Know my taste"

    Pick a restaurant you had been at before. Both of you should order for the other one. Can you guess what they would like the most?

  52. Hit the beach

    Try to find the a hidden beach close to you. Don't forget sunscreen and some refreshments! No beach available? Try out the park nearby

  53. Treat yourself

    Treat yourself with a spa day. Get some face masks, scented candles, calming music and give each other massages!

  54. Read to each other

    Pick a book with some spicy parts. Start reading to each out and let yourselves live in the moment. Choose books from Ana Huang, Sarah J. Mass or Hannah Grace.

  55. Have a baking contest

    Pick a dessert you both have to prepare. Taste them blindfolded - and try to be objective with your feedback

  56. Go on a coffee date 2.0

    Take your coffee/tea date to the next level. Find a unique local coffee shop and get the most interesting coffee from their menu.

  57. Have a theme movie marathon

    Find a movie you both want to see. Match your food or clothes to the movie. You can even strech this out to weekly dates. (a Harry Potter marathon maybe?)

  58. Try wine & cheese tasting

    Buy some different types of cheeses and wines. Mix and match - and dont' forget to look all serious. You can also do blindfold tasting!

  59. Attend a gokart race

    Adrenaline, bets, laughs - what else do you need? Winner buys the popcorn after! Gokarting goes for about 50-100$/hour

  60. Be kids in an amusement park

    Get the weirdest looking ride for kids (where you are still allowed to sit in) and give it a go!

  61. Play "Airport arrivals"

    Go out to the airport and watch how people greet each-other. You can also come up with some stories yourself.

  62. Watch childhood cartoons

    Create a list of your 5 favorite cartoons you watched as a kid. You can even show off one or two episodes. Don't forget to sing the theme song! Was it Donald Duck, Phineas & Ferb or Barbie?

  63. Visit an escape room

    A great opportunity to work together and to find out how your partner's mind is wired

  64. Attend and open house

    Even if you aren't considering buying. Give yourselves personas and imagine living there.

  65. Go wild at a karaoke bar

    Go easy with "Lemon tree" or let your wild side side come out with pretending you are Beyonce!

  66. Carve pumpkins

    Get creative, try some ideas out of Pinterest. May the best carver win!

  67. Build a bird-feeder

    It will be fun to create something together. You can go with a simple feeder from a soda bottle, or go all in and try some complex woodworking techniques!