Essentials for a hiking date

Get your essentials for a hiking date from choosing the trail, clothes and snacks to conversation topics along the trail.
Tue Jul 25 2023

A hiking date is one of the greatest dates you can do if you want to get a good exercise, some fresh air and connect with your partner. To ensure your hiking date is the best it can be, we have created a list of the essentials - so you won’t have to worry. Get your hiking boots on and let’s go through it!

Prepare for your hiking date

Making a plan is your first step to success. By having a clear agenda and a checklist of things not to forget you are making sure that you can focus on your date rather than the small bothering things. Below are a few things you should prepare before your hiking date.

Choose the trail

Depending on your skills you should choose a trail that fits both of you. You don’t want to bring someone to a hiking trail they can’t handle, so choose wisely. You can always start with something simple and short, like a hiking trail along the shoreline and work your way up. You should also research how to get to the trail starting point, any toilet facilities and little chalets along the way. Your date will be amazed by your preparedness. Make sure the trail is open during the time you want to visit it.

 A few questions you should ask your partner before:

  • How hard should the hike be?
  • How far should the hike go?
  • What would you like to see? (lake, chapel, wildlife)
  • What are some popular hikes in the area?
A couple hiking with hiking gear

Fuel up with food

Before the hike make sure you're getting fueled up with healthy and filling food that will ensure that you can tackle the trail. Opt for eggs, oatmeal or a healthy brunch whilst trying to avoid anything very sugary and full of carbohydrates. You can reward yourself with some waffles or pancakes once you are back.

The dress code for hiking

You should try to dress in layers, so you can take a layer on or off - if needed. The clothes should match the season as well, with having sunglasses and a hat during the summer and having waterproof clothing during autumn. Your outfit will only be full with a matching shoe - that should be comfortable and waterproof.

Pack light and smart

Having a light backpack is great for your back, but you have to ensure that you are prepared. Try to pack for the season. Below are a few essentials that you should consider when packing: 

  • Sunglasses

  • Hat, cap, something to cover your head with

  • Sunscreen

  • Healthy snacks (nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables snacks) 

  • Bug spray

  • Lip balm and hand cream

  • Map (paper or digital)

  • Plenty of water

  • Blanket (if you want to have a picnic)

    a couple hiking during sunset

During the hike

Of course you shouldn’t schedule the whole hike into bullet points, but below are a few things you should consider:

Keep hydrated

A hike is demanding, as you have to be balanced and walk most of the time uphill, therefore you have to make sure your body is fueled up and kept hydrated.

Focus on each other’s abilities

Pay attention to your partner during your hike date. If they seem tired, you should take a break, if they are up for adventure, maybe you should follow the secret path to the waterfall. What matters is that you are listening and paying attention to their needs. 

Talk through the hike

Doing an activity together on a date is great, because you can have a conversation about anything. It can be about the scenery, the trail or the cute animals along the way. In case you want to opt for something to fall back on, you can always visit our  standard first date questions and be repaired.

Take pictures

Don’t forget to take pictures, so you can get back to the memories of the beautiful trail that you have taken together. If you can, you should visit the trail during golden hour to get the best possible experience.

A couple sitting on a mountain hugging
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Meet the author, Anna, a passionate advocate for love and romance. Finding her soulmate at a young age, she counts her blessings daily. Anna and her partner believe in keeping the spark alive, continuously crafting exciting date ideas to inspire others. Her love for romance extends beyond real life - she's an ardent fan of romantic comedies in movies, series, and, especially, books. With an unwavering optimism, Anna consistently seeks the silver lining in all aspects of life.